Friday, October 21, 2011

[ResponseP] Casey's Quote

A quote from Casey Thiering's blog.

Women, girls, females, seem to be the #1 way to profit for a man in the way things are sold.
This is very true because guys get attracted to certain things. Has anyone else noticed every commercial nowadays? How every commercial seems as if the lady always seduces the man? For example, axe commercials... They always have the girl and the man... Then once they spray it on him... The ladies go crazy. It's all an act so guys can buy these products, so they can get the "ladies". It gives them a sense of confidence and hope in themselves. Like, "hey if that guy does that and gets all the ladies I can too"

 What the funny thing is... It actually works for certain guys in this world. My cousins always joke around about it at times. They say i'm going to buy axe so i can get all the girls. It's not like they are really serious or anything, but they have an idea of what the company is trying to put out there. If you honestly step back and analyze what these companies try to do... You'll get the concept of each advertisement and commercial they put on tv or billboards.

[CE] Technology Wars

 Another waste.... Why don't these companies use their earnings for schools, countries, etc. Instead they waste their money on the littlest critiques. They aren't even big improvements and people just go crazy for them. I'm not saying technology is a horrible thing, but some time people have to step back and look at it differently. Do you not see what these companies are doing to us? They lure us in to buy these gadgets and corrupt us by coming out with the same thing, but in a different year. They make it seem like the update is 10x better, but in reality its not.

 People nowadays just want whatever's on the market. Some people just want these things to look "cool" or to feel "updated". When in reality they don't even need these things. Do people not see what's happening in the education system? How so many kids are getting denied because of these outrageous prices... Come on now people.... Spend your money or do something with your money that actually makes a difference in this world. Originality is slowly fading away from this world and people just don't realize it.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

[FP] Basketball and Family.

   Man I miss it at times because that's all I used to do my adolescent life. I used to play everyday with my cousins until everyone went their separate ways. I used to look forward to play with them every weekend because our family would have family events every weekend. Growing up is such a weird thing to accept because you get so used to do doing certain things while you're young. You don't really think about your adult life until high school. What made me think about basketball was sitting and watching some old tapes with my dad the other day. It made me think about the times when I fell, got bruises, and woke up sore from this fun ass sport. I used to play point guard and my cousins used to play all the other positions. We were actually decent, but we had no communication at times because some of us were scared.

 I guess all I'm trying to say is that I miss all my cousins and we got distant because of school, work, and many others things. We sometimes do keep in touch, but not as much because we're always busy. When we usually hangout though its really rare because our schedules can  never match. The last time I saw all my cousins was probably last month and we had the time of our lives. We just partied it up and just danced like crazy. We went out for that one day because we knew once the day / night was over we would never see each other again for a while. In the end, I'll always remember my family memories because they were always there for me when it came to everything.

[CP] Mexico fights?

     I don't know how I feel about this right now because there's so many emotions. Do guard in Mexico know how to be guards? I guess I'm used to the system in our country, where we have guard who will actually stop the fight. How can guards in Mexico let this happen? Do they not care about the inmates? Sometimes I always wonder why certain things happen in this world because some people just don't care anymore. It seems like everyone is just selfish. It took them 2 hours to stop this huge riot... 2 HOURS?! Come on... 2 hours can lead to 200 deaths during that time.

    All I'm trying to say is jails in other places should fix their security and guards. Many jails just let everything slide and just punish themselves. They let inmates sabotage their jail cells and wonder why some people escape everyday. Some people don't think clearly sometimes because they think too much in the moment at times. They never think about their decisions and how it's going to affect them in the future. Reading this really made me upset because they just let inmates do what they want, even though they are still locked up. What's the point of locking them up and trying to "show them discipline" when you're letting them do this.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

[RP] Al Davis...

This quote was from Robert Finau's post. 
"But, Al Davis kept a good and hard working mentality while he was still an old man."

I definitely agree with Robert because Al Davis really dedicated his life towards his team. He was really dedicated to "commitment to excellence". He never really cared what people had to say about his team because he was the owner, the father, and the leader of this team. You can tell Al Davis was dedicated because he never gave up on the team. He was always looking forward to fixing the team or making the team much better.

I'm pretty sure this man will be marked down in history as on of the greatest owners. I hope they make a movie about him because it would come out amazing. My dad really liked Al Davis because of his dedication towards his team. Think about it when people talk about the Raiders... They always bring up Al Davis. There's probably not one interview without his named mentioned on it. In the end of all this, I will always respect Al Davis because he's very organized, dedicated, and caring.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sunglasses... [FP]

   It's pretty cool to wear them and they give you a sense of style. I always wonder how the person who invented them figured it out. There's many type of sunglasses out there that fits everyone in this world. It gives them a sense of BAM. It may also complete your outfit that you're wearing the same day. Ray bans are probably my favorite sun glasses because they are so simple, but they still stand out. Many brands nowadays have tried to copy their styles just to make money like them. My dad gave me some vintage Ray Bans the other day and I compared them to my cousins... Man oh man. Old things are way better than new things nowadays. It seems like old things are always better than the new. We always try to find a way to improve things, when sometimes the original thing is the best way.

  All I'm trying to say is being original is a great thing and isn't a bad thing. Be yourself and express yourself everyday no matter what people say. Because without it you wouldn't be your true self. Yeah yeah... people may criticize you about it, but in the at the end of the day who's there? You.. not them. Be happy with yourself, be different, and just be........ YOU.