Friday, October 21, 2011

[CE] Technology Wars

 Another waste.... Why don't these companies use their earnings for schools, countries, etc. Instead they waste their money on the littlest critiques. They aren't even big improvements and people just go crazy for them. I'm not saying technology is a horrible thing, but some time people have to step back and look at it differently. Do you not see what these companies are doing to us? They lure us in to buy these gadgets and corrupt us by coming out with the same thing, but in a different year. They make it seem like the update is 10x better, but in reality its not.

 People nowadays just want whatever's on the market. Some people just want these things to look "cool" or to feel "updated". When in reality they don't even need these things. Do people not see what's happening in the education system? How so many kids are getting denied because of these outrageous prices... Come on now people.... Spend your money or do something with your money that actually makes a difference in this world. Originality is slowly fading away from this world and people just don't realize it.

1 comment:

  1. All these gadgets are enticing but serve no greater purpose. It's always been important to value science to improve our lives with.
    Instead we spend valuable research on this crap!!! sigh. These things do not even really improve the quality of life at all.
