Friday, October 21, 2011

[ResponseP] Casey's Quote

A quote from Casey Thiering's blog.

Women, girls, females, seem to be the #1 way to profit for a man in the way things are sold.
This is very true because guys get attracted to certain things. Has anyone else noticed every commercial nowadays? How every commercial seems as if the lady always seduces the man? For example, axe commercials... They always have the girl and the man... Then once they spray it on him... The ladies go crazy. It's all an act so guys can buy these products, so they can get the "ladies". It gives them a sense of confidence and hope in themselves. Like, "hey if that guy does that and gets all the ladies I can too"

 What the funny thing is... It actually works for certain guys in this world. My cousins always joke around about it at times. They say i'm going to buy axe so i can get all the girls. It's not like they are really serious or anything, but they have an idea of what the company is trying to put out there. If you honestly step back and analyze what these companies try to do... You'll get the concept of each advertisement and commercial they put on tv or billboards.

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