Thursday, October 20, 2011

[CP] Mexico fights?

     I don't know how I feel about this right now because there's so many emotions. Do guard in Mexico know how to be guards? I guess I'm used to the system in our country, where we have guard who will actually stop the fight. How can guards in Mexico let this happen? Do they not care about the inmates? Sometimes I always wonder why certain things happen in this world because some people just don't care anymore. It seems like everyone is just selfish. It took them 2 hours to stop this huge riot... 2 HOURS?! Come on... 2 hours can lead to 200 deaths during that time.

    All I'm trying to say is jails in other places should fix their security and guards. Many jails just let everything slide and just punish themselves. They let inmates sabotage their jail cells and wonder why some people escape everyday. Some people don't think clearly sometimes because they think too much in the moment at times. They never think about their decisions and how it's going to affect them in the future. Reading this really made me upset because they just let inmates do what they want, even though they are still locked up. What's the point of locking them up and trying to "show them discipline" when you're letting them do this.

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