Thursday, October 20, 2011

[FP] Basketball and Family.

   Man I miss it at times because that's all I used to do my adolescent life. I used to play everyday with my cousins until everyone went their separate ways. I used to look forward to play with them every weekend because our family would have family events every weekend. Growing up is such a weird thing to accept because you get so used to do doing certain things while you're young. You don't really think about your adult life until high school. What made me think about basketball was sitting and watching some old tapes with my dad the other day. It made me think about the times when I fell, got bruises, and woke up sore from this fun ass sport. I used to play point guard and my cousins used to play all the other positions. We were actually decent, but we had no communication at times because some of us were scared.

 I guess all I'm trying to say is that I miss all my cousins and we got distant because of school, work, and many others things. We sometimes do keep in touch, but not as much because we're always busy. When we usually hangout though its really rare because our schedules can  never match. The last time I saw all my cousins was probably last month and we had the time of our lives. We just partied it up and just danced like crazy. We went out for that one day because we knew once the day / night was over we would never see each other again for a while. In the end, I'll always remember my family memories because they were always there for me when it came to everything.

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