Friday, September 30, 2011

[RP] School...

This is from Cody Le's blog.
 My mind and body are worn out from regular days of school and practice
This is very true, I feel like school is always making me tired because I get up so early. I wake up at 5:45 everyday and go straight to Gov for 0 period. I mean it's cool and all but I wish that we could get a break. I wish teachers can view it from our perspective.... Yeah yeah you guys are going to say "view it from our perspective". I feel like students do a lot and SOME teachers, not all realize that we're just ordinary people just like them. I hate how sometimes teachers cram everything in and expect us to learn it in a snap. Teachers always think that we're capable to do anything. Not true, we all have our limits and strengths.

 I'm not saying teachers are horrible or anything, but I really wish sometimes they can be a little looser on things. School is great, don't get me wrong, but a break would be nice. Like the other week I was tired everyday because I had so many activities to do after school and balancing that out with homework was a pain. I give a lot to respect to students who can bare with this. I can bare with it, but at times I feel like it's just too much at one time. Like every class is a mystery, you don't know what going to pop up. But I guess thats why we have school. I actually like school... Not a lot of people in this world get a chance to go to school... Think about it... Imagine if everyone in the world went to school. We would have smart people all around. I'm pretty sure the people who want to go to school, but cant... Would make a huge impact in this crazy world. Well folks... have a good night and stay safe out there.

[CP] Technology kills your wallet?


   I think technology is always competing and sometimes it's so pointless. I feel as if they are the same products, but just a different name. It's funny how some people spend so much money on these things and next year they come out with a new thing, then buy the same exact one, but with "new" features. Sometimes people don't think on what they are spending on.. You can spend 300 on something worth it or many multiple items. What these companies do to you is KILL YOUR WALLET. They slowly always "improve" these little gadgets, so you can buy the new ones. It's all a plan and people buy it... They manipulate people to thinking that its "cheap" or its going to change your life.

  All I'm trying to say is technology sometimes can be a distraction. It's cool to have these little gadgets, but buying every single gadget.... I think thats a waste. For example, my uncle is always buying new technology, I don't criticize him for it, but if he added up all his spendings he'd probably be a millionaire. Just exaggerating, but shoot it's true. I kind of talked to him about it, but he didn't listen because his passion is his hobby. Well in the end of all this, please people watch what you buy. Don't want you going broke for a dumb reason. Well have good day.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

[FP] Music...

Why is it so influential? Have you just sat back and asked yourself is this really worth listening to? I feel as if music describes people in many ways. Believe it or not some of our actions are from the music we listen to, whether good or bad. Music has been around for quiet a while and it's always going to be in this world till it ends. Unless the government takes it away and yeah. Anyways, music is a great thing, but sometimes can haunt us later in life. Don't get me wrong I love music and any type of music, but some people don't understand that it can change us as individuals. It seems nowadays all music is about sex, money, drugs. Wanna know what sucks about that? Some people will think that's cool and live that lifestyle that artist is living. Then they start making stupid decisions because if an artist can do it, that means they can do it too.

The music industry does this because it makes them $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and that's all that matters. They don't care if a child or anyone kills someone because they were influenced by music. I'm not saying this that all people will do this, but as humans we have to respect that people have different views on things. So the littlest things can affect anyone. Well I'm out... so the next time you listen to the music you listen to... Please think about what you are listening to.

[BC] Darkroom...

   I woke up in the dark and I couldn't see anything, but I felt a little breeze from a fan. It was very cold in the room and I was determined to turn it off. The room felt like a ice box and I could feel the chills coming up on the back of my spine. I tried to talking to see if anyone was there, but no one responded and I felt as if I was trapped in a maze.

  I shut my eyes to see if I was really dreaming, but when I opened them I still couldn't see and I still felt the cold breeze from the fan. So I get up from this dark place and try to walk, but the fear of walking into a warping black hole was in my head. The paranoia kicks in and I sit back down to calm my self, but I'm sweating and yelling for help. Still no answer and it frustrates me because I cannot see and plus I'm freezing my balls off. I continue to sit and rock back and forth because it started to get really cold. So I get up once again and I trip over something and I feel the blood rushing down my nose and I start crying. My tears hit my chest like bullets because of this dark room I'm in. I get back up and just suck it up, but then I feel as if I hit a brick wall and I fell straight on my back. My body is aching and I'm really motivated to get the hell out of this dark room. I get back up once again and I fear that I'm going to fall in the black hole, so I sat back down. I continued to plot and plot, but it was starting to freeze in the room. I ask myself... What kind of fan is this? How did I end up in this dark ass room? Is this even a fan? So after 15-20 mins I get up again walking and I start to feel my surroundings... I feel a table and I follow this wooden table till it stops. While touching this table I cut myself from a really sharp object that felt like a knife.

  As I walk I'm getting colder and colder to the point where I can barely feel my legs. My body feels weak and I have a bunch of cuts, bruises, and tears of frustration. I walk really cautious and again I tripped over something, but this time it cuts my leg and I start yelling for help. The cut felt like going under surgery, but without any medicine to make you numb or sleepy so you cannot feel the pain. My vision feels weak and I feel like I cannot do it anymore. But I squeeze my eyes to the point where it looks like I cannot see. I see a little flashing light, but it wasn't bright enough for me to follow it. So, I was determined to get to this yellow light that was flashing. I get back up and I fall again because of the crucial cut in my leg. So much blood falling down from my nose and my lower legs, it felt like I was swimming in my own blood. I continue to walk, but I feel as if i'm getting closer to this "fan" because the breeze was getting stronger and stronger. As I take my little baby steps I felt like I stepped on someone and I start to freak out and I black out for a couple mins.

  I woke up and everything was still the same, but the room was extra cold and I was shivering to the point where my teeth were chuckling. I rub my eyes and I still see the light flickering or blinking and it just makes me angry. As I get closer the breeze of this deadly machine makes me cringe and fall to the ground. I get back up and I'm probably like a raisin all pruned up and weak. I get closer and closer to this cold machine and I hit my head on it beacuse I tripped over something that felt like a basketball because I heard it bouncing and drifiting away like a car passing by. I wake up and next thing you know i'm blinded by the light and I slowly start to see everything in this room I was in. It was my grandparents room in the Philippines, but modified.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

[RP] Military man.

A quote from Jazmine Negrete's blog
The thoughts of leaving the side of our parents because it is time to spread our wings and fly
 This is probably what I think about 80% the time during school and at home. I'm going to the military and oh man i'm scared, but at the same time I'm not. I want to join the military because I want to explore this world and have exciting adventures with my squad. After thinking about it for 2 years I finally made my decision to join the Reserves for the United States Air Force. It was the toughest decision to make because active duty, reserves, and the national guard had some much to offer. Like anything else, it had it's pro's and cons about everything.

 What made me choose the military was my family. My family has served through all military branches. From the Navy, Army, Marines, and the Air Force we've been through it all and I just want to continue the streak.  My grandpa was always the one who motivated me the most because he was a definition of a real man. He never let my grandma work and always provided for his huge family. He would always tell my grandma always to stay home and take care of the kids, while he did the rough stuff. I will never forget my grandpa because he put his life on the line and never gave up on anything. My grandpa played super hero all of his life and now he's retired and he's chilling in his homeland, which is in the Philippines. He still spoils my grandma and still caters to her no matter what.

[CP] Drug wars?


 Why are drugs so powerful? Why do people do this for a living? Do they not get that any given second that they could die. Drugs are a powerful thing in this world and they will never go away. It's a fact drugs have been around since forever. They will always rule any country, but we can end this by doing as much as we can to stop these drugs killing innocent people. Drugs are not only affecting people, but education as well. How can this go to education? What does education have to do with drugs? It's crazy how this society works and how people want to handle things. They strip the education from these innocent kids, who just want to make an impact in this world.

 Drugs are an evil thing in this world and we will never learn how to stop it from flooding in. People nowadays rely on drugs to "escape" their problems, but honestly when you wake up its going to be there the next day. Drugs take over people and change their ways and not only that, but make them psycho. I don't get this video because why would drug dealers involve themselves in the education system? In the end.... this will never go away its something that will last forever in this world. I'm not saying drugs taking over education, but drugs in general and it's really sad. 

[FP] Honesty

      It's a really hard thing to do at times especially when it's on the spot. Trust me though, being honest is one of the best traits you can ever have. Yeah honesty maybe harsh, but in the end its the truth and truth hurts. Being honest with someone shows that you aren't scared to show them the truth. What do you get out of lying? A bunch of other shit that adds on and makes situations worse. It makes you feel good for a second, but once someone finds out that you lied... You'll feel like shit in the end.

  After today I learned the biggest lesson of my life and I will never do that shit ever again. Lying isn't going to get you any where in life. I got caught up in the moment and didn't want to face the fact it would lead me to an argument. But it's life and you learn from all your dumb decisions and you just move on from there. You just have to promise yourself that you don't do it again. Change can happen at any second, minute, hour. It's just the matter of you willing to change. Change is for the good because you realize what you need to fix as a person. Well to conclude this post.... All I'm trying to say is.... BE HONEST. It's the best trait around.

Friday, September 16, 2011

[CURRENTP] Weapons?!

 Its crazy how people can make these weapons and kill many people. Do they not think who they are hurting? And what families they are affecting? Weapons shouldn't be used unless people have a real reason on why to use them. In my opinion voicing your opinion and talking things out are better than shooting, killing, and causing mass destruction to the world. Whats the point of that? When we have mouths for a reason. Instead of wasting billions of dollars on these things, lets just use that money on something more important.. Like... EDUCATION.

 I hate how certain governments / places use their money on the most stupidest things out there. Maybe if we used our money wisely on education there would be more smarter decisions out there or let me rephrase that smarter people. The point of weapons are a waste of money and certain places she recollect themselves and actually think about what they are wasting their money on. Well till next time... Stay up and keep a positive attitude.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

[RESPONSE] Growing up...

This is from Cody Le's blog and it really got me thinking back when I started thinking about that.
It’s actually kind of scary to think about how in 10 years we aren’t going to be carefree teenagers anymore.
It's crazy reading this because I remember thinking about this when I was a sophomore and I was scared shitless. I didn't know what to think or how to answer this "10 years" question. I looked at my parents and how they had there on little system of the adult hood... It was pretty darn scary and I did not know how to handle all of that. Until I talked to my sister about adult hood. She said in the adult life, you have to make sacrifices, crucial decisions, and time to balance everything out. When I heard all that it scared me, but I eventually just got over it and said to myself "It's time to face reality and just to grow up. So I took baby steps and try to adjust to this adult life. I failed a couple of times, but eventually got a grasp of it and I was proud of myself. I sort of figured out how to deal with time and making decisions that would affect my life in the future.

  All I'm trying to say out of this is adult hood maybe scary, but you'll have to go through it no matter what. Just keep a positive outlook on things and don't give up no matter how hard you fall in this crazy world. Adult hood is the best thing because you find out what levels you can handle in life. You find your strengths and weaknesses. You also find your true self, friends, and family. Trust me if you start in high school you'll do fine later. I say this because you'll have a little experience under your belt once you head out to the adult world. Till next time guys.. Be positive, be yourself, strive for greatness.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

[DRAFT] Just let go...

 It all started in July 31, 1994 and Justin Aaron Del Rosario was born. My mom said I looked cute when I first came out. I was a hyper baby my mom said and I would always knock down things. I grew up in Oakland, CA for a little bit, but moved to San Lorenzo when I was still an infant. As an adolescent however, I did not live a perfect live because of my parents having issues towards one another. I was only months old and my father left me because my mom filed a divorce on him. My mom filed a divorce on him because he was addicted to drugs and she couldn’t handle how it made him. She found out by calling his work one day and them responding “Oh no... Joel doesn’t work here anymore he got laid off”. After finding that out and finding my dad doing drugs, she instantly filed a divorce. She did it for us because she wanted us to live a good life. We lived with my moms brother, who was basically my dad for quite some time. As a child, I never really looked for my dad because I was so little when all this happened. I always thought my uncle was my father because he acted like he was my father. He would always take me out and let me do whatever my heart desires. It wasn’t until I was 4 ½ that I met my father. When I was 3 my mom finally moved to Alameda because she found 2 steady jobs and was confident enough to buy her own place.

 I met my father through getting baby sat at my grandparents house, which was my fathers parents. Since my mom made the right decisions my grandparents still respected her and still loved her no matter what. All I remember is him sometimes kissing me and saying he loves me, but I’d always be confused because I didn’t know who he was. It wasn’t until I was in kinder garden and my grandpa finally explained who this mysterious man was. He told me it was my father, but I really didn’t believe it because I was so used to my moms brother. Next thing you know my mom and this random man come back together because they talked things out. So, every time I came home he’d be there cooking me food. It took 2-3 years for me to get used to him because he just randomly walked into my life.
In the end, I’m glad I met my father and I didn’t live the life of not knowing my own father. I’m thankful that my parents worked things out and didn’t just hold a grudge towards each other. It haunts me once and a while because it was weird just getting to know my father at a young age because I was young and all I wanted to do is have fun. Well this is my life, I hope you enjoyed and found interest in my life. I don’t hate my father for this because this situation made me who I am today. It not only made me a strong individual, but I feel like I’m 2 steps ahead. All I ask is not to judge me on this, but to understand this story I’ve just told you. Please ponder and think about everything in life. We go through so much to make us strong, healthy, and us.

[FP] 3 Days...

   With my girlfriend and she leaves for college. It's going to suck because I'm not going to see her for 2 months. She's going to live the SO-CAL life and at times it really worries me. Like any other human being we all have our insecurities. I really do trust her and I believe we can get through this tough situation. I know there's going to be a lot to give up while shes gone. I can't see her in person anymore, no more long night phone calls, etc. If I could I would move down to so cal, but I'm going to try my best to get stationed at the San Diego base, so I can see her more often. Right now though, there's a lot of emotions running through me and it kind of sucks because I don't know how to handle them at certain times.

 Sometimes I wonder why we go through certain things in life. Why do we go through it? Whats the point? In my opinion I think it means for us to find our true selves. To find who we really are and what we really believe in. I've learned a lot during these 17 years and life is fucking interesting. You go through so much, so fast that you don't even see it until you sit down and realize it. I like sometimes just sitting down and just thinking about what I've been through so far.

 Well world... I hope this made a difference in your life today. Just be positive and live the way you want to live. Don't let anyone put you down for what you believe in.

Friday, September 9, 2011


After reading 80% of everyones blogs... This really caught my eye. Off Amir Razavi's blog.
But there is nothing you can really say or do, because you realize that it is their lives and that it was their choice to make the decisions. You just have to understand that it is.
I understand this quote on so many levels... After reading Amir's post it really hit me that some people just don't know how to find their true selfs... It seems as if people just follow trends and go with whatever is "cool". Is anyone really real anymore? Have you ever sat down and just said to yourself "Damn is this what I want for my life?" No one really wonders about that because some people just live in the moment. Not really worrying about the future consequences. I'm not saying over think everything, but sometimes give yourself a wake up call. I feel like some people don't really think before they do... It's really not that hard, but you know you really can't do anything because if thats how they want to live... Let them be.

There's some people out there that I would confront.. but honestly what's the point? When there just going to think you're weird for pointing something out. I'll just let them be and let them live their lives because in the end thats their decision to make at the end of the day. All I'm trying to say is do things that make you happy and surround yourself with people who will change your life. Don't do something just to be "cool" or just to fit in. Do things that make you happy.


    This is really scary to hear because even after 9/11 people are still willing to bomb, kill, etc. It's crazy how people in this world work nowadays... These threats can lead to many things, such as, suicide, paranoid, and just straight chaos. I'm very thankful that NYPD and many other law enforcements are taking action towards this threat. It makes me feel really safe and sound hearing all this, but you never know what's going to go down. All we can do is hope that nothing will go down this Sunday. I'm very confident that our law enforcement can crack whoever is spreading or even executing this threat.

  I remember this day specifically because my mom and dad were watching TV in shock. My mom was just really shocked and didn't know what to say at all. I was 7 when this happened and I was young. I really didn't know what was going on because I did my daily routine for school. When I got to my class my teacher Mrs Franklin had the same exact face as my parents and I got it a little bit, but still didn't really pay attention because I just wanted recess to start. Finally our teacher explained what happened and I got sort of sad because hearing the word DEATH when I was little was very frightening to me.

 Eventually, when I got older I finally understood what was happening and I got really mad. Every time I hear about his topic it just makes me angry. Like... Why would you do that? What do you get out of killing people? The problem is still going to be there... Why couldn't you just resolve it by talking and compromising the problem...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Another Great Day.

     Started off the day waking up @ 5:45 and showering. Did my daily morning stuff and just chilled till 0 Gov started. Went to class and did some pretty cool and chill things. We watched a movie and then worked on a worksheet dealing with economics and government. My partner and I really killed the worksheet, but we didn't get to finish because of the movie. Then got to my worst class ever... STATISTICS, but actually it wasn't that bad. I felt like she was a little lazy today and she gave us a break. She also didn't give us homework. 2nd period was pretty easy because I aid for Ms. Sarvey and she's very nice and funny. 3rd period came and it was another boring class. It went by SO SLOW and it was my other boring class.

     4th period came around and that is my favorite class of the day because all we do is discuss and talk about everything. I feel like there's not a lot of pressure, but we still have work. I admire how Mr. Sutherland works with every student because he doesn't force them into anything and just lets us flow. After all the explanation's and lecture's we finally got to relax. I had lunch with Dom and Kiet it didn't go well at first, but in the end it was great. They dropped me off and I drove my mom for the rest of the day until 5:30 hit and I did my cardio workout with my older sister. After our 3 mile run me and my sister talked about me joining the Air Force. After that I told her that the recruiter from Alameda finally emailed me and right now I'm filling out the forum to get feedback from Sargent Stewart.