Thursday, September 22, 2011

[FP] Honesty

      It's a really hard thing to do at times especially when it's on the spot. Trust me though, being honest is one of the best traits you can ever have. Yeah honesty maybe harsh, but in the end its the truth and truth hurts. Being honest with someone shows that you aren't scared to show them the truth. What do you get out of lying? A bunch of other shit that adds on and makes situations worse. It makes you feel good for a second, but once someone finds out that you lied... You'll feel like shit in the end.

  After today I learned the biggest lesson of my life and I will never do that shit ever again. Lying isn't going to get you any where in life. I got caught up in the moment and didn't want to face the fact it would lead me to an argument. But it's life and you learn from all your dumb decisions and you just move on from there. You just have to promise yourself that you don't do it again. Change can happen at any second, minute, hour. It's just the matter of you willing to change. Change is for the good because you realize what you need to fix as a person. Well to conclude this post.... All I'm trying to say is.... BE HONEST. It's the best trait around.

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