Wednesday, September 14, 2011

[DRAFT] Just let go...

 It all started in July 31, 1994 and Justin Aaron Del Rosario was born. My mom said I looked cute when I first came out. I was a hyper baby my mom said and I would always knock down things. I grew up in Oakland, CA for a little bit, but moved to San Lorenzo when I was still an infant. As an adolescent however, I did not live a perfect live because of my parents having issues towards one another. I was only months old and my father left me because my mom filed a divorce on him. My mom filed a divorce on him because he was addicted to drugs and she couldn’t handle how it made him. She found out by calling his work one day and them responding “Oh no... Joel doesn’t work here anymore he got laid off”. After finding that out and finding my dad doing drugs, she instantly filed a divorce. She did it for us because she wanted us to live a good life. We lived with my moms brother, who was basically my dad for quite some time. As a child, I never really looked for my dad because I was so little when all this happened. I always thought my uncle was my father because he acted like he was my father. He would always take me out and let me do whatever my heart desires. It wasn’t until I was 4 ½ that I met my father. When I was 3 my mom finally moved to Alameda because she found 2 steady jobs and was confident enough to buy her own place.

 I met my father through getting baby sat at my grandparents house, which was my fathers parents. Since my mom made the right decisions my grandparents still respected her and still loved her no matter what. All I remember is him sometimes kissing me and saying he loves me, but I’d always be confused because I didn’t know who he was. It wasn’t until I was in kinder garden and my grandpa finally explained who this mysterious man was. He told me it was my father, but I really didn’t believe it because I was so used to my moms brother. Next thing you know my mom and this random man come back together because they talked things out. So, every time I came home he’d be there cooking me food. It took 2-3 years for me to get used to him because he just randomly walked into my life.
In the end, I’m glad I met my father and I didn’t live the life of not knowing my own father. I’m thankful that my parents worked things out and didn’t just hold a grudge towards each other. It haunts me once and a while because it was weird just getting to know my father at a young age because I was young and all I wanted to do is have fun. Well this is my life, I hope you enjoyed and found interest in my life. I don’t hate my father for this because this situation made me who I am today. It not only made me a strong individual, but I feel like I’m 2 steps ahead. All I ask is not to judge me on this, but to understand this story I’ve just told you. Please ponder and think about everything in life. We go through so much to make us strong, healthy, and us.


  1. You did it! I'm glad we got a chance to talk about this today and happy that you took the brave step of letting this piece loose. I don't know how you feel about putting your words and your story out there for folks to read, but I hope you're feeling proud. Much respect,


  2. See this?
