Friday, September 9, 2011


After reading 80% of everyones blogs... This really caught my eye. Off Amir Razavi's blog.
But there is nothing you can really say or do, because you realize that it is their lives and that it was their choice to make the decisions. You just have to understand that it is.
I understand this quote on so many levels... After reading Amir's post it really hit me that some people just don't know how to find their true selfs... It seems as if people just follow trends and go with whatever is "cool". Is anyone really real anymore? Have you ever sat down and just said to yourself "Damn is this what I want for my life?" No one really wonders about that because some people just live in the moment. Not really worrying about the future consequences. I'm not saying over think everything, but sometimes give yourself a wake up call. I feel like some people don't really think before they do... It's really not that hard, but you know you really can't do anything because if thats how they want to live... Let them be.

There's some people out there that I would confront.. but honestly what's the point? When there just going to think you're weird for pointing something out. I'll just let them be and let them live their lives because in the end thats their decision to make at the end of the day. All I'm trying to say is do things that make you happy and surround yourself with people who will change your life. Don't do something just to be "cool" or just to fit in. Do things that make you happy.