Thursday, September 15, 2011

[RESPONSE] Growing up...

This is from Cody Le's blog and it really got me thinking back when I started thinking about that.
It’s actually kind of scary to think about how in 10 years we aren’t going to be carefree teenagers anymore.
It's crazy reading this because I remember thinking about this when I was a sophomore and I was scared shitless. I didn't know what to think or how to answer this "10 years" question. I looked at my parents and how they had there on little system of the adult hood... It was pretty darn scary and I did not know how to handle all of that. Until I talked to my sister about adult hood. She said in the adult life, you have to make sacrifices, crucial decisions, and time to balance everything out. When I heard all that it scared me, but I eventually just got over it and said to myself "It's time to face reality and just to grow up. So I took baby steps and try to adjust to this adult life. I failed a couple of times, but eventually got a grasp of it and I was proud of myself. I sort of figured out how to deal with time and making decisions that would affect my life in the future.

  All I'm trying to say out of this is adult hood maybe scary, but you'll have to go through it no matter what. Just keep a positive outlook on things and don't give up no matter how hard you fall in this crazy world. Adult hood is the best thing because you find out what levels you can handle in life. You find your strengths and weaknesses. You also find your true self, friends, and family. Trust me if you start in high school you'll do fine later. I say this because you'll have a little experience under your belt once you head out to the adult world. Till next time guys.. Be positive, be yourself, strive for greatness.

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