Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Another Great Day.

     Started off the day waking up @ 5:45 and showering. Did my daily morning stuff and just chilled till 0 Gov started. Went to class and did some pretty cool and chill things. We watched a movie and then worked on a worksheet dealing with economics and government. My partner and I really killed the worksheet, but we didn't get to finish because of the movie. Then got to my worst class ever... STATISTICS, but actually it wasn't that bad. I felt like she was a little lazy today and she gave us a break. She also didn't give us homework. 2nd period was pretty easy because I aid for Ms. Sarvey and she's very nice and funny. 3rd period came and it was another boring class. It went by SO SLOW and it was my other boring class.

     4th period came around and that is my favorite class of the day because all we do is discuss and talk about everything. I feel like there's not a lot of pressure, but we still have work. I admire how Mr. Sutherland works with every student because he doesn't force them into anything and just lets us flow. After all the explanation's and lecture's we finally got to relax. I had lunch with Dom and Kiet it didn't go well at first, but in the end it was great. They dropped me off and I drove my mom for the rest of the day until 5:30 hit and I did my cardio workout with my older sister. After our 3 mile run me and my sister talked about me joining the Air Force. After that I told her that the recruiter from Alameda finally emailed me and right now I'm filling out the forum to get feedback from Sargent Stewart.

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