Wednesday, September 28, 2011

[FP] Music...

Why is it so influential? Have you just sat back and asked yourself is this really worth listening to? I feel as if music describes people in many ways. Believe it or not some of our actions are from the music we listen to, whether good or bad. Music has been around for quiet a while and it's always going to be in this world till it ends. Unless the government takes it away and yeah. Anyways, music is a great thing, but sometimes can haunt us later in life. Don't get me wrong I love music and any type of music, but some people don't understand that it can change us as individuals. It seems nowadays all music is about sex, money, drugs. Wanna know what sucks about that? Some people will think that's cool and live that lifestyle that artist is living. Then they start making stupid decisions because if an artist can do it, that means they can do it too.

The music industry does this because it makes them $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and that's all that matters. They don't care if a child or anyone kills someone because they were influenced by music. I'm not saying this that all people will do this, but as humans we have to respect that people have different views on things. So the littlest things can affect anyone. Well I'm out... so the next time you listen to the music you listen to... Please think about what you are listening to.

1 comment:

  1. I made a response possttt
