Thursday, September 22, 2011

[RP] Military man.

A quote from Jazmine Negrete's blog
The thoughts of leaving the side of our parents because it is time to spread our wings and fly
 This is probably what I think about 80% the time during school and at home. I'm going to the military and oh man i'm scared, but at the same time I'm not. I want to join the military because I want to explore this world and have exciting adventures with my squad. After thinking about it for 2 years I finally made my decision to join the Reserves for the United States Air Force. It was the toughest decision to make because active duty, reserves, and the national guard had some much to offer. Like anything else, it had it's pro's and cons about everything.

 What made me choose the military was my family. My family has served through all military branches. From the Navy, Army, Marines, and the Air Force we've been through it all and I just want to continue the streak.  My grandpa was always the one who motivated me the most because he was a definition of a real man. He never let my grandma work and always provided for his huge family. He would always tell my grandma always to stay home and take care of the kids, while he did the rough stuff. I will never forget my grandpa because he put his life on the line and never gave up on anything. My grandpa played super hero all of his life and now he's retired and he's chilling in his homeland, which is in the Philippines. He still spoils my grandma and still caters to her no matter what.

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