Friday, September 30, 2011

[RP] School...

This is from Cody Le's blog.
 My mind and body are worn out from regular days of school and practice
This is very true, I feel like school is always making me tired because I get up so early. I wake up at 5:45 everyday and go straight to Gov for 0 period. I mean it's cool and all but I wish that we could get a break. I wish teachers can view it from our perspective.... Yeah yeah you guys are going to say "view it from our perspective". I feel like students do a lot and SOME teachers, not all realize that we're just ordinary people just like them. I hate how sometimes teachers cram everything in and expect us to learn it in a snap. Teachers always think that we're capable to do anything. Not true, we all have our limits and strengths.

 I'm not saying teachers are horrible or anything, but I really wish sometimes they can be a little looser on things. School is great, don't get me wrong, but a break would be nice. Like the other week I was tired everyday because I had so many activities to do after school and balancing that out with homework was a pain. I give a lot to respect to students who can bare with this. I can bare with it, but at times I feel like it's just too much at one time. Like every class is a mystery, you don't know what going to pop up. But I guess thats why we have school. I actually like school... Not a lot of people in this world get a chance to go to school... Think about it... Imagine if everyone in the world went to school. We would have smart people all around. I'm pretty sure the people who want to go to school, but cant... Would make a huge impact in this crazy world. Well folks... have a good night and stay safe out there.

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