Thursday, September 22, 2011

[CP] Drug wars?


 Why are drugs so powerful? Why do people do this for a living? Do they not get that any given second that they could die. Drugs are a powerful thing in this world and they will never go away. It's a fact drugs have been around since forever. They will always rule any country, but we can end this by doing as much as we can to stop these drugs killing innocent people. Drugs are not only affecting people, but education as well. How can this go to education? What does education have to do with drugs? It's crazy how this society works and how people want to handle things. They strip the education from these innocent kids, who just want to make an impact in this world.

 Drugs are an evil thing in this world and we will never learn how to stop it from flooding in. People nowadays rely on drugs to "escape" their problems, but honestly when you wake up its going to be there the next day. Drugs take over people and change their ways and not only that, but make them psycho. I don't get this video because why would drug dealers involve themselves in the education system? In the end.... this will never go away its something that will last forever in this world. I'm not saying drugs taking over education, but drugs in general and it's really sad. 

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